01 March – 22 May 2019
The FAW NSW State Committee is proud to launch the Seniors Short Stories Volume 5 Project for 2019.
The Department of Family and Community Services has again invited FAW to conduct a Short Story competition, this year 2019. The prize is publication in their next book, Seniors Stories Volume 5.
The competition Terms and Conditions are set out below. On behalf of Seniors Card, we are encouraging seniors to write a short story. If you are already a NSW Seniors cardholder, that’s good. If you wish to join, it is FREE. Just visit the Seniors website, www.seniorscard.nsw.gov.au.
FAW wants new writers ‘to have a go’ by coaxing NSW seniors in our communities to share their stories and invite the community to participate in this project.
We will conduct Workshops during March, April and May 2019 in Dubbo, Tamworth, Nowra, Wagga, Gosford and the NSW State Library in Macquarie Street, Sydney – dates and venues are listed below. Submissions open in March 2019 but if help is required to write a short story, attendance at a workshop will be the pathway. Everyone is encouraged and welcome to attend the workshops.
Entry submission is via the ONLINE ENTRY FORM (use the button above), although an extra opportunity is available this year because typewritten and handwritten entries will be accepted, for those unable to use the online form – see Terms and Conditions below for details.
The competition offers One Hundred writers the opportunity to have their story in Seniors Short Story Volume 5.
The short story theme is: ‘Love Your Life’.
To book a Workshop, phone the Project Communications Manager, Maureen Kelly, on 0417 403 720.
March 19 | Dubbo: Macquarie Regional Library Meeting Room 1, Macquarie St & Talbragar St |
10.30am–12.30pm |
March 20 | Tamworth: The Lander Room Community College 175 Peel St |
10.30am–12.30pm |
April 12 | Shoalhaven/Nowra: Nowra Library Meeting Room, 10 Berry Street |
1.30pm–3.30pm |
April 16 | Wagga: Community Learning Space Civic Centre, Cnr Baylis & Morrow Sts |
10.30am–12.30pm |
April 29 | Gosford: Hotel Gosford Meeting Room, 179 Mann St |
10.30am–12.30pm |
May 3 | Sydney: NSW Library Macquarie St |
10.30am–12.30pm |
1. The writing competition is open to all Seniors Card Holders in New South Wales.
2. Seniors Card number is COMPULSORY on the entry form. (No replacement number)
3. Entry is free.
4. The theme for 2019 is ‘Love Your Life’.
6. Story length maximum 1,000 words.
7. Closing date is Midnight 22nd May 2019 and no entries will be accepted after that date.
8. The top 100 entries will be published in the Seniors Card Anthology to be released by the Department of Family and Community Services in October/November 2019.
9. The judge’s decision is final, and no correspondence will be entered into.
10. The ONLINE ENTRY FORM can be found using the link button above. The form is interactive, and the entry can be attached.
11. Assistance for typewriter prepared or hand-written entries, please phone 0417 403 720 to discuss your entry submission.
12. Entries must be in a Word document (.docx or .doc), not a PDF or Jpeg. Entries sent in other than Word will not be accepted.
13. Entries should be in 12pt font and double spaced and ‘Footer’ to include title and page number.
14. Multiple entries may be entered, but only one story per writer will be selected.
Any queries please contact:
Fellowship of Australian Writers 0417 403 720