
Writing can be an isolated, lonely pursuit. If you feel you would benefit from the support and encouragement of other writers, then perhaps it’s time to find a group of like minded people to help get your writing going again.


FAW NSW has nearly thirty branches throughout the state. Each branch is autonomous but enjoys the advantages of being part of the umbrella organisation of the Fellowship. Contact one near you to find out more details.

Find a branch near you.

If none of these options is open to you then why not consider our Isolated Writers Branch.


Annual subscriptions are due on 31 December each year and are paid to the Branch Treasurer where the member attends meetings. The fees are $40 pa full membership or $20 for under 21 youth rate. Each Branch sets its own annual fee which may include a top-up for their own expenses. The $40/$20 of this amount goes to the FAW State Council as an affiliation fee to cover administration costs, public liability and the quarterly members’ bulletin Writers Voice. Contact the FAW NSW State Treasurer for more details (please use our Contact form).