Normal Competition Conditions

Unless stated otherwise, these conditions apply to ALL WRITING COMPETITIONS 

  • Entries should be submitted in English, using one side of A4 paper, typed double-spaced (except poetry) in a standard typeface (12 pt min.), using generous margins. No fancy fonts, clip art or decorations of any kind.
  • NO names or addresses to appear on manuscripts. A separate COVER SHEET or ENTRY FORM must be submitted, containing the title of the entry, competition name, section category if applicable, word or line count, author’s name, address, telephone number and email address (if available). Title and page number (ONLY) of the entry should appear on each page of the manuscript.
  • Entries must be original work and must not have won a cash prize in any other competition nor been published in any form, as at the closing date of the competition. 
  • Entries may be entered in more than one competition at the time of entry HOWEVER the entry must be withdrawn from any subsequent competitions if the writer is advised prior to the closing dates that the entry was successful elsewhere with a cash prize. 
  • Cheques and/or money orders should be made payable to the organisers, unless otherwise stipulated. Multiple entries may be paid with one cheque or money order – do not send coins or stamps. 
  • Copyright remains with the author. Entries will not be returned and will be destroyed after the announcement of results. 
  • The judges’ decisions will be final and no correspond­ence will be entered into. 
  • If you require a copy of the results mailed to you, please send a standard DL-sized stamped, self-addressed envelope (SSAE) with your entry. 

These are general guidelines. For complete conditions relating to individual competitions, and to obtain entry forms (where required), contact the relevant competition organisers.