Book Launch IConverse

The Liverpool FAW branch has arranged for a Book Launch on Friday 15 September 2017 of Peter F Pike’s book of Sonnets entitled ICONVERSE.

Book Launch is so appropriate a name for the event because in the very first poem Peter invites readers to accompany him on a voyage of discovery through verse. The Mayor of Liverpool, Wendy Waller will launch the book in the Gold Room at Liverpool City Library, 170 George St., Liverpool, between 6:30 and 7:45pm.

Rhonda Rice, Publicity Officer for Liverpool FAW branch, says: “We hope to see many FAW members from other Branches on that night. As well as other invited guests, hopefully many who read the ‘flyers’ and are curious to ‘have a look’ will pop in and may even decide to consider membership of our Liverpool Group.”



Posted in Past Events