Closing date: 5 July 2020
The Writing NSW Varuna Fellowships are awarded annually to writers who have a work of fiction, creative non-fiction, a play, or a suite of poems that is ready for the next stage of development.
Winners receive a week-long residency at Varuna, the National Writer’s House, and a manuscript assessment from the participating publisher.
In 2020, two fellowships are available, with one place reserved for a writer under the age of 30. Applicants must be Writing NSW members and be willing to commit to developing their work.
Previous recipients include Kaya Wilson, Winnie Dunn, Tanya Vavilova, Karina Young, Adele Dumont, Christopher McDonald, Irma Gold, Alex Chalwell, Mark Brandi, Jacqui Dent, Helen Thurloe, Lucie Stevens, Alison Thompson and Greg Woodland.
Entries for the fellowship are open, and close midnight AEST Sunday 5 July.
Find more information and submit here.