Entry: 2022 Hilarie Lindsay Young Writers Poetry Competition

For Australian School Students

ENTRIES CLOSE: 5.00pm, Wednesday 31 August 2022

Section 1: Years 10, 11 and 12. Max. 60 lines. Prize $125
Section 2: Years 7, 8 and 9. Max. 40 lines. Prize $90
Section 3: Years 5 and 6. Max. 40 lines. Prize $65
Section 4: Year 4 and under. Max. 20 lines. Prize $50

Please read the Conditions of Entry before submitting your entry:

Before submitting your entry, please make payment as detailed below and take note of your receipt number as it will be required to complete the entry form. 

Entry Fee $5.00 by Direct Deposit to:
BSB: 082 936 Account No: 322 980 486
Account Name: Fellowship of Australian Writers

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
eg. Year 9
eg. Section 2
eg. 36 lines
Direct Debit Receipt No.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Upload your entry here. Only Word or PDF formats are accepted. Author’s name must not appear on the manuscript.
I hereby declare that the work submitted is the student’s own work.
Answer the maths question to show that you are human. (* = multiply)

Questions? Contact the webmaster for assistance.

Posted in Closed Competitions