Following the decision to CANCEL the Writers Unleashed Festival for this year, the popular Publishing Consultations will go ahead as an online virtual component, utilising Zoom/Skype/telephone between 27 July and 1 August.
Pitch a sample of your manuscript and one of these professional editors/agents could be beaming into your home to offer advice on it.
Three out of the six editors have already sold out… Clare Hallifax, Mary Verney and Justine Barker.
As at 20 May 2020, there are altogether just 15 spots left for Tom Bailey Smith from Allen and Unwin, Anna Blackie and Lucy Bell both from Pantera Press.
Tickets are on sale now at $105 for 25 min consultations. To book, visit
The Writers Unleashed Festival is hosted by volunteers from the Sutherland Branch of the Fellowship of Australian Writers.