The Society of Women Writers NSW online events in August

Wednesday 12 August 2020 – 12.40pm to 1.20pm
“Is it Really Possible to Create a Book Together?”. Seasoned children’s writer Libby Hathorn, and former exec online producer for Chanel 7, Lisa Hathorn, talk about joining forces to create a book about a familiar family scenario! A recalcitrant child says one too many ‘no-nevers’ and gets her comeuppance. The co-creators go through the process of story-making, choosing a publisher, agreeing on suitable artwork, agonising over the roughs, watching the work evolve from afar, right up to pages. 
$10 for SWW NSW Members; $15 for Non Members.

Wednesday 19 August 2020 – 10am to 11.45am 
Crime Writing Tutorial, ‘Thinning the Plot’ with Narrelle M Harris. We all admire a tricky crime plot, but the mystery that is revealed to the reader in stages is, generally speaking, already known to the writer – who has to know what happened in order to seed clues and misdirection for the detective and the reader. This can be especially challenging when writing crime stories for detectives who specialise in the peculiar, such as Sherlock Holmes. In ‘Thinning the Plot’, Narrelle M Harris steps through one method of devising a crime and then working backwards, deconstructing and ‘thinning out’ the events to determine how the crime was done, so that the appropriate clues can be left.
$10 for SWW NSW Members; $15 for Non Members. 

Posted in Past Events