Society of Women Writers Literary Luncheon 12 July 2017


Golden Rules, Golden Days…
Libby Hathorn

Libby will talk about ‘The Golden Rules of Writing’ and how in the first place, one must take one’s own writing seriously, and what that means. Short writing exercises about the power of our senses will punctuate this workshop.

Libby Hathorn is an award-winning Australian author and poet. Poetry has been and is a continuous influence on Libby’s life and work. Translated into several languages and adapted for stage and screen, her work has won honours in Australia, the United States, Great Britain and Holland.

Libby’s recent books, Outside and A Soldier, a Dog an a Boy, are both Children’s Book Council of Australia, Notable Books. Her latest book is Butterfly, We’re Expecting You.


Towards the Book and What Comes After. Making Literary Music…
Libby Hathorn

Libby Hathorn, award-winning Australian writer and poet, and author of more than sixty books for children and young people will talk about her latest book for children, a gentle poetic story in beautiful picture-book form, where two children explore the wonder of nature in their own backyard, speaking to the various creatures they discover.

You have the idea, the story, the publisher, the illustrator and finally The Book. Then to market.

Libby and illustrator Lisa Stewart talk about the making of Butterfly, We’re Expecting You (Hachette) and their publicist Ashleigh Barton tells about its marketing.

Multi-talented artist Lisa, of The Acacia Quartet, will also play the suitably melodious music Butterflying by Elena Kats-Chernin.


News Bites: a Forum for Discussion

A couple of times in the past two years the Society of Women Writers NSW has held ‘Open Forum’ sessions in which SWW members present at the lunch meeting gave five-minute impromptu talks about a recently completed writing project, a work-in-progress or a big idea that was in their heads.

SWW are repeating this format at their July 2017 meeting. Writing is, fundamentally, a solitary and silent pursuit. We often develop ideas when walking, exercising or in the time before going to sleep. Unlike artists whose creative output is immediately visible, ideas are invisible and must be formed into words to be spoken aloud. Sharing ideas with other writers provides an invaluable sounding board, not only for testing public reaction to a project but also for sorting out in the writer’s own mind just how the story is to unfold. As Dr Patricia Gaut wisely said, the parts of your story you tell other writers are the ones that are most important to you.

The Society of Women Writers NSW Inc. welcomes newcomers to its monthly Literary Luncheon on the second Wednesday of each month.

Venue: Gallery Room, State Library of NSW
When: July 12, 2017
Time: 10:00am–11:50am Workshop;
12:00 noon to 2:30pm Literary lunch with keynote and guest speaker presentations.
Cost: Workshop $30.00 for members or $40:00 non-members;
Literary Lunch $45.00 members or $50.00 non-members.

Bookings are required by 10:00am on the Monday before the meeting – please book by email if you have access to a computer.

Email:  Subject: SWW Lunch Booking.

SMS Bookings: Alternatively, text your booking to 0403 177 208. Your message should be addressed to swwlunchbooking or swwlunch and should contain Luncheon date, your name and your mobile number.

More information: Yvonne Jarman 0405 470 902
Society of Women Writers NSW Inc.
PO Box 1388, Sydney NSW 2001

Posted in Past Events