Orisons: Soulful Reflections

Kim P Sami

Layout and editing by Barbie Robinson; Illustrations and cover by Dee Copeland.

An Orison is a prayer or plea to a deity. This comes from a Latin word meaning to speak, and it means to speak to God. (www.vocabulary.com).

This volume of poems (the author’s first) is a sample of the many she has written from around 1992 up to the present. They speak and reflect on past pain, the struggle to free herself from life-denying ways and what helps her to do so, to live a life that is abundant, fulfilling, meaningful.

“Dear Kim, your deep healing soulful journey is reflected in your images and words with such honesty. I can feel the progression in your poetry, the movement from being ‘held back’ to liberation. It’s powerful! My favourites are ‘Define Me’ and ‘To the Younger, Freer Me’. I think we can all relate to those parts of us that are not recognised or that are young and needing nurture. Thank you for having the guts to share the wisdom you’ve gleaned from your own life experience. I say: WATCH THIS SPACE!” Trish Watts (Singer, Composer, Performer, Voice Movement Therapist) – February 7, 2022

Paperback $20, ebook $4.99 available from the author’s website: kimpsami.com.au, postage paid Australia-wide. Also available worldwide through all major online bookstores, including Amazon (Kindle for ebook), Koorong, Booktopia, Book Depository, Walmart.com, Angus & Robinson and Barnes & Noble.

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