An invitation from Central Coast Poets…
Dear fellow writers,
Central Coast Poets Incorporated (NSW) will be calling for entries to the Henry Kendall Poetry Award (HKPA) on January 20th 2017, closing on 28th February 2017.
As it is a nationally recognised award, we would like to bring this competition to the attention of the FAW membership, to give the opportunity and to encourage participation.
The Henry Kendall Poetry Award is Nationally recognised as a large poetry ‘feather in the cap’.
The HKPA is ‘judged blind’ by critically acclaimed poetry judges. We are honoured to have as our 2017 HKPA judge, Jean Kent. More information about Jean can be found on her website
First prize $1000
Second prize $500
Third prize $250.
In addition to the three cash prizes, 50 short-listed poems will be included in the 2017 Central Coast Poets’ anthology, published in the latter half of the year in both hard-copy and electronic form.
The competition attracts entries from both established writers and emerging poets alike, Australia wide.
The entry form can be submitted on-line from 20th January 2017 via the HKPA 2017 portal on the CCPi website:
Terms and Conditions of entry as well as FAQs can be viewed on the website under the Henry Kendall drop-down menu.
General enquiries can be made to
Good luck and best wishes,
Elizabeth Hillman
Central Coast Poets.