2017 Toolangi CJ Dennis Poetry Competition

hosted by
The Singing Gardens of CJ Dennis, Toolangi

Closing Date: 1st September 2017

Prizes will be awarded for first, second and third in each category.
Prizes will be awarded at the CJ Dennis Poetry Festival on Saturday 21st October 2017

CATEGORIES (prizes in brackets: (1st / 2nd / 3rd)

  1. Open Poetry (Marian Mayne Prize: $250 / $150 / $100)
  2. Open Short Story (CJ Dennis Society Prize: $250 / $150 / $100)
  3. Poems written by adults for children (Sponsor: Bendigo Bank: $250 / $150 / $100). There will also be a prize of $150 for the poem in this category chosen as the best by a group of local children.
  4. Primary school students: preps to grade 6 ($30 / $20 / $10)
  5. Secondary school students: years 7-12 ($50 / $30 / $20)

To obtain an ENTRY FORM, please write to:

Toolangi CJ Dennis Poetry Competition
c/o Toolangi Castella Community House
PO Box 1323, Healesville, Vic 3777.


  1. Entries must be postmarked by 1st September 2017 and paid for by a cheque or money order or direct deposit for $10 per adult entry (student entry is free) plus $3 in unused stamps with each entry form to cover the cost of sending the certificate(s) of participation and a copy of the anthology to every entrant.
  2. Cheques and money orders are to be made payable to: “CJ Dennis Society”. For multiple entries, please send one cheque or money order for the total fees. Or fees can be paid by direct deposit to “The CJ Dennis Society Inc”; BSB: 633000; Account No: 143129773 Please use your surname as reference.
  1. No late entries will be accepted. Entries postmarked after 1st September 2017 will be returned to sender.
  2. Entries will be accepted from authors throughout Australia and New Zealand.
  3. Entrants who are unfamiliar with the remarkable versatility of CJ Dennis’s work, whether poetry or prose, can find many examples collected by Perry Middlemiss online. As his prose is less well-known, here are links to two examples: www.middlemiss.org/lit/authors/denniscj/uncollected/timberland.html
  4. Poems entered must have good rhyme and metre and there is an 80-line limit for each poem. There is a 500-word limit for each short story.
  5. Each poem or short story entered must be the original work of the entrant and must not have been placed first in any other competition at the date of entry or published for profit. The aim of the competition is to encourage writing which celebrates the work of CJ Dennis and relates to Australia’s people, events or environment, either historical or contemporary. Limit of 2 poems per entrant per category and two short stories per entrant.
  6. Please send 2 copies of each poem or short story entered.
  7. Each poem or short story should be typed on plain A4 paper in 12 point Times New Roman-like or Arial-like font, single-spaced and, if longer than one page, the pages must be numbered. If typing is a problem for the author, handwritten work will be accepted, provided the handwriting is clear and a black or dark blue pen is used. Do not include photos or illustrations and do not send email entries.
  8. The author’s name or other identification must not appear anywhere on the entry, only on the entry form.
  9. All entries must be written in English.
  10. Entrants must complete an entry form to accompany the entry or entries.
  11. Copyright for all entries submitted remains with the author. Authors give permission to the CJ Dennis Society to publish their poem or short story in an anthology of short-listed entries to be published after the close of the competition and on the society’s website. There will be no payment (other than any prize money) made to authors of published entries.
  12. Please keep a copy of your poem or short story, as entries may not be returned.
  13. For entries selected for inclusion in any anthology, the publisher reserves the right to edit the works; any editing will be confined to correction of spelling and punctuation where warranted (no ‘corrections’ will be made to the use of slang).
  14. The judges’ decisions will be final and no correspondence will be entered into.
  15. Major prize-winners will be contacted before the Festival and their names announced at the Festival on the 21st October 2017. Prizes will be presented to winners at the Festival or posted if they are unable to attend.
  16. All entries to be posted to:
    Toolangi CJ Dennis Poetry Competition
    c/o Toolangi Castella Community House
    PO Box 1323, Healesville, Vic 3777.


Posted in Closed Competitions