Fremantle Round House John Gavin Writing Competition 2022

Closing date 30 April 2022

“The important proceedings of the Quarter Sessions have left us but scanty room for our usual leading remarks. We shall, probably, next week, make some observations on the trial and execution of the boy Gavin, with a view to hold out, still further, the awful example that has been made. In the meantime, our readers will do well most seriously to reflect upon it.”

Extract from The Inquirer, April 10, 1844

Over the Easter weekend of 1844, the Swan River Colony witnessed deadly justice served upon the first European hanged since their settlement, as young John Gavin lost his life in front of the Fremantle Round House. Executed for murdering the son of his master, the sensational crime overshadowed the pitiable life of the unmourned teenager buried in the sand dunes.

On 6th of April 2022, it will be 178 years since John Gavin met his fate. To recognise this part of our history we invite submissions in the following competitions with the theme being The Life and Times of John Gavin.

There are two open categories:

  • The John Gavin Ballad competition, 500 word limit.
  • The John Gavin Flash Fiction competition, 750 word limit.

Prizes: 1st prize $200, 2nd prize $100 

Entry fee: $10 per entry

Please go to the website for details about the competitions, Entry Forms, Terms and Conditions, links and recommended reading about John Gavin and the trial. Winning and highly commended entries will be invited to perform at a special awards day in May 2022.

Questions and submissions to: 

Posted in Closed Competitions