The Fellowship of Australian Writers New South Wales Inc is bound by the Privacy Principles of the 1998 Privacy Act which is available at the Comlaw site.
We recognise and take very seriously the right to privacy of all those who use our site. FAW NSW does not collect information about visitors to this site via cookies or other tracking software.
We do collect statistics about visitor numbers which is strictly for our use only. This information is gathered in an effort to make visitors’ use of the site easier and more enjoyable.
Any emails that are sent to us are treated in the strictest confidence and are not used by FAW NSW for any marketing purposes until the sender “opts in” to this service. Any information that is supplied to FAW NSW for the purpose of membership of our organisation is again treated with respect and the utmost security.
If you have any questions about our privacy policy please use our Contact form to request further information from the FAW NSW Hon. Secretary.