The broad criteria for this class of membership to the Fellowship are that the applicant should have had a substantial body of work published and should normally have been a member of the Fellowship for at least two years.
A committee of the State Council adjudicates on each application, which should be forwarded to the Registrar of Writing Fellows, FAW State Council, C/- Hon. Secretary, 4/11 resort Road, KEW NSW 2439.
The application should:
- Be accompanied by a $50.00 cheque, payable to ‘Fellowship Aust. Writers’.
- Indicate the Branch where the applicant is currently a member and the number of years of FAW membership.
- Have attached a list of published, performed or broadcast works with dates and details of publication. Also list any literary prizes awarded, although such works may be unpublished. Unpaid contributions to newspapers, etc and self‐published works (unless widely sold and acclaimed) should not be included.
The one‐time fee of $50.00 will be used to cover costs of administration and cost of certificate. Excess funds will be used to further the work of the Fellowship. If the application is unsuccessful, the cheque will be returned, perhaps with a suggestion to re‐submit an application when a greater body of work has been published.