Every FAW NSW member receives a copy of the official quarterly bulletin, Writers Voice. This includes details of literary competitions and results, branch news, members’ writing achievements, coming events, book reviews, letters to the editor, members’ books for sale and articles of interest to established and aspiring writers of all ages.
Contributions are welcome from all members. These can include Articles, Letters to the Editor, Regional Activities, News (literary related) and Obituaries of current members.

Quarterly Bulletin of the Fellowship of Australian Writers NSW
Copy Deadlines
- 15 Feb (for March issue)
- 15 May (for June issue)
- 15 August (for Sept. issue)
- 15 November (for Dec. issue)
Copy for Writers Voice should be sent as email attachments to The Editor or post typed copy to:
The Editor, Writers Voice
10 Larama Avenue
Dapto NSW 2530
All other correspondence to the Hon. Secretary or by post to:
The Secretary, FAW NSW Inc.
PO Box 271, Woy Woy. NSW 2256.
If you would like to reach over 700 writers then consider advertising in the bulletin.
- Writers Voice Advertising Rates (PDF 36K)
Opinions expressed are those of the individual authors and not necessarily those of the FAW or the editor. All advertisements and items are accepted in good faith but the editor reserves the right to edit or delete submissions for length, content, policy or printing constraints. The FAW NSW Inc cannot accept any responsibility for misrepresentation by advertisers nor does inclusion of any item imply endorsement by FAW NSW Inc.
Back Issues
To request permission to download back issues of Writers Voice, please contact the