Contact the State Committee

Fellowship of Australian Writers NSW inc. 
ABN 59 557 152 715

Please use this form to contact any of the FAW NSW people listed.
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All general correspondence to the Hon. Secretary.
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  • Hon. Secretary/Publicity Officer: All general enquiries go to the Secretary Liz Shaw who will answer your enquiry or pass it on to the relevant FAW Committee member.
  • Membership Registrar: Advise any changes to your contact details including change of address for mailing of Writers Voice, or let us know that new or outstanding membership fees have been paid to the FAW Hon. Treasurer.
  • Hon. Treasurer: Regarding membership fee payments.
  • President: Colleen Parker can provide an ISBN for your as-yet unpublished book (this free service is for FAW members only).
  • Isolated Writers Convenor: For members of the Isolated Writers group.
  • Writers Voice Editor: Anything related to the Quarterly Bulletin Writers Voice can be sent via this form to Craig Cooper, including attachments.
  • Webmaster: For matters regarding content or functionality of this website, Ken Driver is the webmaster.