Blog Tips: About Hosting and Domain Names in Australia

Ken Driver, webmaster

There are many resources available on the Internet about setting up a blog, and while most of the information is relevant and useful, referrals and links to hosting providers and domain name registrars are usually USA-based. It is highly recommended that Australian writers use Australian hosting providers and register an Australian domain name – ie. with the country specific second-level level domain ‘AU’ at the end, for example: ‘’ for individuals, or ‘’ for Associations and non-profit organisations. Another option is ‘’ or even ‘’ (historically only ISPs, but its use has been broadened).
The major benefit of a .AU domain name is that it instantly tells your visitors you are an Australian based writer.

auDA (.au Domain Administration Ltd) is the policy authority and industry self-regulatory body for the .au domain space. auDA is a not-for-profit organisation whose membership is derived from Internet organisations, industry members and interested individuals. The organisation operates with the endorsement of the Australian Government and with the delegated authority of ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers).

WPHosting is both a Domain Name Registrant and WordPress-friendly Hosting Provider based in Victoria, Australia. WPHosting is the Hosting Provider for this FAW NSW website. 

Posted in Writing Resources