Saturday 14 November 2015
’99 on York’, Sydney
The FAW NSW Awards Luncheon is the Fellowship’s flagship event each year. State President Trevar Langlands is the emcee for what promises to be an entertaining and productive networking afternoon for writers. Our special guest this year is Australian author, poet, songwriter and performer Jim Haynes, so we are in for a fun time.
The venue is the Red Room Buffet, Level 1, 95-99 York Street, Sydney, in the premises formerly known as the Bowlers’ Club of NSW (now called ’99 on York’). It is a short walk from Town Hall Station.
Time: 11:30am for 12 noon.
Awards given on the day include prizewinners and readings from FAW state sponsored Literary Competitions – the 2015 Marjorie Barnard Short Story Award and the 2015 Hilarie Lindsay Young Writers Short Story Competition for Australian School Children.
The cost is just $45 per head, which includes a delicious lunch catered by the Bowlers Club. Visitors are welcome. You can pay at the door, or to order tickets, write to:
Hon. Treasurer, FAW NSW
Unit 801, Henry Kendall Gardens
150 Maidens Brush Road
Make all cheques payable to ‘Fellowship of Australian Writers’. And to help with our finances, please enclose a stamped return address envelope.
We look forward to meeting you all again this year.